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Can Siblings Both Have Power of Attorney?

When it comes to establishing a power of attorney (POA), many families wonder if two siblings can both hold this important role simultaneously. The answer is yes, but there are several considerations and responsibilities involved. Understanding the nuances of having multiple agents can help ensure that your wishes are respected and that your affairs are managed smoothly.

Responsibilities of a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney grants an individual (the agent) the authority to make decisions on behalf of another person (the principal). These decisions can range from financial transactions to healthcare choices. The primary responsibilities of a POA include:

Managing Financial Affairs: Handling bank accounts, investments, bills, and real estate transactions.
Healthcare Decisions: Making medical decisions if the principal is incapacitated.
Legal Obligations: Acting in the best interest of the principal, maintaining accurate records, and avoiding conflicts of interest.

Can Two Siblings Have Power of Attorney?

Yes, it is possible for two siblings to hold power of attorney simultaneously. This arrangement is known as “co-agents.” Co-agents must work together to make decisions, which can be beneficial for ensuring checks and balances but may also lead to potential conflicts.

Pros and Cons of Co-Agents


Shared Responsibility: Reduces the burden on a single individual.
Checks and Balances: Helps prevent misuse of power or mistakes.
Broader Input: Combines the strengths and perspectives of both siblings.


Potential Conflicts: Disagreements between co-agents can slow down decision-making.
Coordination Challenges: Requires strong communication and collaboration.

Power of Attorney Obligations to Family Members

Agents have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the principal and be transparent with other family members. They must avoid using their position for personal gain and keep detailed records of all transactions and decisions made on behalf of the principal.

Sibling Abusing Power of Attorney

If one sibling suspects the other of abusing their power of attorney, they should take immediate action. This may involve:

  • Documenting Concerns: Keeping a record of suspicious activities.
  • Legal Advice: Consult with an attorney to explore options.
  • Court Intervention: Petitioning the court to remove the abusive agent and appoint a new one.

Can a Spouse Override a Power of Attorney?

A spouse cannot automatically override a power of attorney unless specified in the legal documents. If the POA does not grant this authority, the spouse would need to seek legal action to challenge the decisions made by the agent.

Is Your Spouse Automatically Your Medical Power of Attorney?

No, your spouse is not automatically your medical power of attorney. You must legally designate your spouse or any other individual to hold this role through a medical POA document.

Power of Attorney vs. Conservatorship

While a POA is established by the principal, a conservatorship is appointed by the court when an individual is deemed incapable of managing their own affairs. A conservator has similar responsibilities but operates under court supervision.

How to Get Power of Estate After Death

Power of attorney ends upon the death of the principal. To manage the estate after death, one must be appointed as the executor in the will or seek court appointment if there is no will.

Can My Attorney Be My POA?

Yes, you can appoint your attorney as your power of attorney, provided they agree to assume this responsibility.

POA Duties

The duties of a power of attorney include:

  • Acting diligently and competently in the principal’s best interest.
  • Keeping accurate records and receipts of all transactions.
  • Communicating regularly with the principal and relevant family members.

Can Multiple People Have Power of Attorney?

Yes, more than one person can have power of attorney either as co-agents or with different types of authority (e.g., financial vs. medical).

Can One Power of Attorney Supersede Another?

A newer power of attorney document can supersede an older one if it explicitly revokes previous designations.


In summary, it is feasible for two siblings to share power of attorney responsibilities, but it requires careful planning and clear communication. Understanding the roles, potential challenges, and legal implications can ensure a smooth and effective management of the principal’s affairs. If you have questions about setting up a power of attorney or concerns about its execution, consulting with a knowledgeable attorney is always a prudent step.

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